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Sutton Trust Students on "Amazing" Brackley Experience

The Team recently hosted eight students from our Accelerate 25 partner, The Sutton Trust, for an invaluable week of work experience at our factory. Coinciding with the completion of their A-Levels, the students' trip to Brackley proved to be hugely valuable in helping the group decide their future career journeys and improve their core skills.

Before the end of their week, we sat down with the students to hear how they found the experience.

How have you found your time with the Team?

Harmen: "Everyone has been so lovely. I've been able to integrate into the Team quickly and gain practical, hands-on experience. It was cool to get the chance to complete actual tasks for the team and make a real impact."

Priya: "I've found it amazing. It's been a very eye-opening experience and a great opportunity to see what it's like. Many people watch the sport on TV and never really think about what goes on behind the scenes and this experience has lifted the lid on that for me."

What part of the week have you enjoyed the most?

Saamiyah: "I really enjoyed being in the Machine Shop as I got to understand the link between the programmes, the computer, and the machines. It was really fascinating."

Leya: "I've enjoyed learning about Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) and sensors and getting to know what the Electronics department is responsible for as I didn't know very much about it before coming here."

Masoom: "My most enjoyable moment was working with CAD, figuring my way around it and trying to design a few things."

Nazmeen: "Being down in the lab and getting to be very hands-on was a highlight for me."

What were your first impressions of the factory and the Team?

Bessie: "My first impression was that the factory was very cool. It was surreal to see the cars and the various buildings on our factory tour."

Masoom: "The factory really impressed me. I've never seen something on this scale ever before and the Team is probably the most welcoming set of people I've ever met."

Harmen: "I realised that it's really purposeful in the way it's set out. Being a part of the Team made me rethink a lot of the assumptions that I had before coming here."

Priya: "The Team has been amazing. Everyone has been super supportive especially our managers who have helped us. I've had the opportunity to sit in different departments which helped me piece together how the Team operates."

What one thing surprised or interested you the most?

Bessie: "The process that I have found the most interesting was the systems testing. Seeing parts that may be faulty, discovering all the different ways you can test them was so interesting."

Saamiyah: "The number of apprenticeships offered by Mercedes."

Nazmeen: "The CAD software that the designers use to create the different components. It's such a complicated software so it blows my mind how the Team manage to use it to make something such as a car part."

Harmen: "I think it's made me realise that I was quite narrow-minded in terms of what my career could look like. Being in the Aero department this week has opened my mind to what I could do and what it looks like. This experience has definitely helped me envisage myself in this role long term."

Priya: "I enjoyed discovering the Reliability department and discovering their connection to the car's performance. I hadn't thought too much about what they do but seeing that they also work with CAD to test different parts and attend the races has been really cool to learn about."

Has this experience made you want to pursue a career in Formula One?

Bessie: "Yes, I think it's shown me that Electronics is more diverse than I thought."

Leya: "Definitely. Through this experience I've realised how many projects the Team work on in such a short amount of time. It's continuously fun."

Masoom: "Yes definitely. Before coming here, I had set my sights on the regular automotive industry. After spending a week here however, I've realised that Motorsport is where I want to be. It's a lot more fast-paced and more intense than any other industry I've ever come across."

Nazmeen: "Before this experience, I've never really considered a career in Formula One, but I've realised that the competitive nature of the industry really appeals to me."

What are your next career steps?

Ersan: "I will be finishing my A-Levels and getting a degree apprenticeship, with the aim of returning here one day!"

Bessie: "I would like to study Electronics Engineering at university and pursue a career in either Motorsport or Space."

Saamiyah: "I'm considering a degree in Integrated Mechanics or Mechanical and Electronical engineering or a degree apprenticeship in Engineering and Computer Science."

Leya: "I hope to complete my A-Levels and gain a degree in Computer Science, or Electronics Engineering.

Harmen: "I'm planning to study Computer Science or something tech related and hopefully gain a position within Team."

Priya: "I plan to go to university to study Aeronautical Engineering and hopefully go to an F1 team such as Mercedes."